Meeting 0x14 - Rewiring you brain with Test Driven Thinking (in C++)
Meeting 0x13 - Mighty Morphing Power Ranges (cancelled)
Meeting 0x12 - Parallel Mergesort with Cuda
Meeting 0x11 - Web based C++ tools
Meeting 0x10 - Overflow Celebration
Meeting 0xF - Effortless debugging of C++ code
Meeting 0xE - The C++ algorithm header
Meeting 0xD - Strong types to write more comprehensible code
Meeting 0xC - Test Driven Development
Meeting 0xB - Open Source Show and Tell
Meeting 0xA - Are Lambdas Magic? / Game Habitat
Meeting 0x9 - Quiz Night!
Meeting 0x8 -Seven simple ways of optimising your C++ code
Meeting 0x7 - Don't trust the compiler to optimize
Meeting 0x6 - The Game Assembly Special
Meeting 0x5 - The Curiously Recurring Pattern of Coupled Types - Distributed C++ Meetup
Meeting 0x4 - Language Introduction and Getting Started
Meeting 0x3 - How compilers take advantage of undefined behavior
Meeting 0x2 - Make the compiler sweat, chill in runtime
Meeting 0x1 - C++ as a scripting language
Meeting 0x0 - Did you get that? C++, Messages and Uplay