Meeting 0x5 - The Curiously Recurring Pattern of Coupled Types - Distributed C++ Meetup

sweden cpp at king

A special meetup joined online with Core C++ and SwedenCpp user groups!! Featuring the The World’s First C++ Distributed presentation and more, don’t miss it!

The space is courtesy of King!

The program for the evening:


17:30Informal networking and mingling
18:00Presenting the User Groups, Adi Shavit, Harald Achitz and Ólafur Waage
18:20The Curiously Recurring Pattern of Coupled Types (1st distributed C++ talk), Adi Shavit and Björn Fahller
19:30Lightening talks by all the groups, TBD


For this conference at King ( we need to produce access cards for you. Therefore it is required that we have your full name, meetup nicknames do not work.

If we do not have your name until Tuesday 23th of October (12:00) then we can not produce an access card for you and you will not be able to attend this meetup.

The Curiously Recurring Pattern of Coupled Types

Why can pointers be subtracted but not added?

What do raw C pointers, STL iterators, std::chrono types, and 2D/3D geometric primitives have in common?

In this talk we will present some curiously coupled data types that frequently occur in your programs, together forming notions that you are already intuitively familiar with. We will shine a light on the mathematical notion of Affine Spaces, and how they guide stronger design. We will review the properties of affine spaces and show how they improve program semantics, stronger type safety and compile time enforcement of these semantics.

By showing motivational examples, we will introduce you to the mathematical notion of affine spaces. The main focus will then be on how affine space types and their well defined semantics shape expressive APIs.

We will give examples and guidelines for creating your own affine types.

Adi Shavit

Adi Shavit is an entrepreneur, speaker, independent consultant, experienced software architect and a computer vision, image processing, and machine learning expert with an emphasis on real-time applications. He specializes in building cross-platform, high-performance software combined with high production quality and maintainable code-bases. Adi is also the founder of the Core C++ users group in Israel.

Björn Fahller

Björn wrote his first program in 1980. After completing his MSc in CS and Engineering in 1994, programming has been the primary source of income, mostly from writing embedded software for communications systems.

Occasionally Björn has been seen tinkering with unorthodox software constructs, pondering “what can be done with this?” He lives in Stockholm


Sean Parent talk mentioned