Meeting 0xA - Are Lambdas Magic? / Game Habitat

at game habitat lambda

The Malmö C++ User Group is doing a short field trip. We are going to Game Habitat.

Game Habitat is a community focused non profit organisation based in Malmö. Their mission is to turn southern Sweden into the best possible environment for everything and everyone related to game development.

Scheduled talk: Are Lambdas Magic? by Olafur Waage

Lambdas were introduced to the language in C++11, but how do they work? How can you use them? How are they implemented and can you make your own?


17:30 – 17:45Meet & Greet
17:45 – 18:30“Are Lambdas Magic?”
18:30 – 19:00Meet & eat
19:00 –Mingle and deep thoughtful conversations!